Tuesday, February 12, 2013

A Turbulent Tenure for a Quiet Scholar

When Benedict XVI became pope eight years ago at the age of 78, many Roman Catholic scholars predicted that he would be a caretaker. He would keep the ship sailing in the same direction as his beloved predecessor, John Paul II. And as the rare theologian who knew how to write for a broad audience, Benedict would keep the crew inspired and the sails billowing.

If written words alone could keep the church on course, Benedict would likely be viewed as a solid success. His encyclicals on love and charity and his three books on the life of Jesus were widely praised for their clarity and contribution to Catholic teaching.

But when it came to the major challenges facing the church in the real world, Benedict often appeared to carom from one crisis to the next.

He inadvertently insulted Muslims on an early trip to Germany, which resulted in riots across the Islamic world and the murder of an Italian nun in Somalia. He welcomed back a breakaway bishop who had just recorded an interview denying the facts of the Holocaust. He told reporters on the papal plane winging toward Africa that condoms had helped spread AIDS.

When the clerical sexual abuse scandal spread across Europe and exploded at Benedict’s door in 2010, Benedict met with abuse survivors and oversaw the development of new church policies to prevent abuse. But he was denounced by survivors and their advocates for never moving to discipline bishops who were caught in the cover-up.

Among the cardinals expected to vote in the conclave to elect the next pope is Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles, whose decades of mishandling sexual abusers in the priesthood was recently exposed by the court-ordered release of thousands of internal church documents.

Even Pope Benedict’s attempt to reach out with a pastoral letter to the church in Ireland, worn down by revelations of widespread clergy sexual abuse, left many there infuriated when he appeared to blame the nation’s spiritual disillusionment on the Irish Catholics themselves.

“It’s been the tin-ear papacy,” said Christopher M. Bellitto, chairman and associate professor of history at Kean University in Union, N.J., who studies the papacy. “It’s been a very small, introverted papacy because that’s who he is. The pope is an introvert.”

One of the defining moments, Dr. Bellitto said, was the speech Pope Benedict gave in September 2006 at Regensburg University in Germany, in which he quoted the words of a medieval Byzantine emperor speaking of Islam: “Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.”

Dr. Bellitto said: “Every professor in the universe knew exactly what he was doing, which was to start a lecture with something provocative and work off of that. But it didn’t play out that way.”

Pope Benedict later apologized for the reaction, explaining that the totality of his address was intended as “an invitation to frank and sincere dialogue, with mutual respect,” with the Muslim world.

He followed that up by coming out in favor of admitting Turkey to the European Union, a reversal of his previous position. He later visited Turkey and prayed at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul alongside the head mufti, a significant gesture that helped to calm the waters.

Benedict’s biggest challenge was to set a course for a church that is still divided over the meaning and legacy of the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s, which opened the door to modern reforms.

The council resulted in changes like empowering lay people in parish life, celebrating the Mass in the local vernacular language rather than in Latin, and allowing nuns to expand their mission beyond working in church schools and hospitals.

To many Catholic traditionalists, Benedict is a hero who has reeled in the excesses of Vatican II, by promoting “the reform of the reform.”

He expanded the use of the Latin Mass used before Vatican II. And he pushed the English-speaking Catholic churches to adopt a liturgy translation more faithful to the original Latin — a change that many priests protested was awkward and alienating, but which has gradually taken hold.

In keeping with his previous post as head of the church’s doctrinal office, Benedict used his papacy to discipline those who questioned church teaching.

He presided over two investigations of American nuns. He oversaw the censure of theologians and the removal of Bishop William Morris in Australia, who had written a pastoral letter raising the possibility of women and married priests. In 2012, he excommunicated the Rev. Roy Bourgeois, an American priest who blessed a woman in what the church considered an illicit ordination ceremony.

Monsignor Kevin W. Irwin, a professor of liturgy and former dean of the school of theology at the Catholic University of America, who is currently teaching in Rome, said: “This is a theologian who wants to be clear about what the church teaches. Some would regard that as being less open to change, and less open to other possible ways of knowing theology, but this is a highly trained German professor who brought that skill of clarity to all of his writing.”

But liberal Catholics from the church’s social justice wing could not help but feel that Benedict was intolerant of the church’s left wing and overly solicitous of the right.

That criticism peaked after the pope lifted the excommunication of four schismatic ultraconservative bishops from the breakaway Society of St. Pius X, who reject the reforms of Vatican II.

It became one of the low points of Benedict’s papacy when it was discovered that one of the schismatic bishops had denied the scope of the Holocaust in an interview available on the Internet.

Robert Mickens, the Vatican correspondent for The Tablet, a Catholic weekly published in London, said of Benedict: “He leaves the church even further divided. He’s alienated the majority of Catholics, maybe not the bishops and cardinals who, because they’re in the hierarchy, support and reinforce what the pope says. But run-of-the-mill Catholics feel that the church is probably not going in the right direction, and they feel the division more now than they did eight years ago.”

In the last year, the Vatican became entangled in a scandal that led to the arrest of the pope’s personal butler for leaking documents to a journalist who then published an exposé. Many church analysts said the Vatican bureaucracy was paralyzed, the church’s ship was adrift.

So when the pope shocked the world on Monday with his resignation announcement, his supporters and detractors alike almost universally hailed the move as a moment of grace, sounding almost relieved to see the end of what has been a very turbulent journey.


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